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Policy Date: 02nd February 2024
Review Date: 02nd February 2025

Corporate Social Responsibility Policy


1. Introduction
2. Environment
3. Implementation
4. Planning
5. Monitoring
6. Reviewing
7. Supply Chain

1. Introduction

Although the company is a small business with a relatively small social impact, it recognizes the importance of ensuring that any impact on the environment, local community, and society is as positive and non-destructive as possible.

The purpose of this policy is to set out how the company will seek at all times to ensure that the impact of the company is as positive as possible in relation to aspects other than the bottom line.

2. Environment

The company is committed to conducting its business in a manner that is environmentally sustainable. It is the responsibility of all employees and associates of the company to act in a manner consistent with this aim and to ensure that all business is carried out in compliance with relevant environmental legislation and with respect for the environment.

The company encourages pro-activity by employees in respect of this commitment. The company will consider any reasonable suggestions made by employees or other persons aimed at minimizing the environmental impact of the company’s activities.

This policy is communicated to all employees and made available to all suppliers, subcontractors, and the public


3. Implementation

In order to implement our commitment, we will: 

a) Assess and regularly reassess the environmental effects of the company’s activities 

b) Minimize the production of waste 

c) Minimize material wastage 

d) Minimize energy wastage 

e) Promote the use of recyclable and renewable materials 

f) Reduce and/or limit the production of pollutants to water, land, and air 

g) Control noise emissions from operations 

h) Minimize the risk to the general public and employees from operations and activities undertaken by the company.

Responsibility for the implementation of our commitment rests ultimately with the Directors but also lies with each individual member of the company.

4. Planning

In order to implement our commitment, it is necessary for us to plan our service in a way that is sustainable. This involves careful consideration of each aspect of our service and how we can effectively perform that task with minimal environmental impact.

5. Monitoring

It is vital that our plans and schemes for sustainable services are put into practice. As a small company, the Directors, who have ultimate responsibility for the implementation of this policy, are involved with every stage of our operations and therefore are able to oversee the implementation of this policy.

To maximize the effectiveness of this policy, it is important that we involve our employees, clients, and suppliers in our commitment.

The Directors are personally committed to minimizing the environmental impact of the business operations and are therefore keen to hear any suggestions to improve the sustainability of the business from employees or clients of the company.

6. Reviewing

The company understands that improving sustainability is a continual process. Therefore, the company will continually review the sustainability of our services.

This will involve both reviewing the effectiveness of existing strategies for reducing our environmental impact and considering and implementing new strategies to further improve the sustainability of the performance.

We can ensure that we continually improve the sustainability of our performance by:

  1. Expanding the areas of our service where strategies for increased sustainability are implemented.

  2. Enriching the impact of our existing strategies by setting more demanding requirements.

  3. Promoting our commitment to sustainability amongst our clients, suppliers, and associates.

7. Supply Chain

Although much of the materials obtained by the company in the course of its operations are determined by a client’s requirements and specifications, the company will, wherever possible, seek materials and in particular peripherals from local companies.

The company considers there to be positive value in supporting the local economy to ensure continued opportunities for work and development of local people.

The company also considers that by using local suppliers, it is more feasible to ensure that those suppliers are aware of and aligned with the ethos of the company.

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